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Mushroom Montoya circumnavigated the globe aboard the USS Trippe DE1075 after killing soldiers, woman and children in Viet Nam. Now, as a shaman, he heals the planet one person at a time. Mushroom Montoya has an active shamanic healing practice in Long Beach, California and he teaches at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Cal State Univ. Long Beach.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day

Memorial Day brings memories
And grief
For the families of our service members
Who never came home.
Their deaths
Sting and hurt
Their parents
Each and every day
I honor those families
Today, especially today.
I went to my cousin’s funeral.
She was a week shy of 93.
We buried her
Next to her son’s grave.
He died in Viet Nam.
I stood where I stood
So many years ago,
At his gravesite service.
Memories of our own son’s funeral
On the Long Beach Naval Station’s chapel
Enveloped me with sadness.
I could still hear the bagpipes
Playing Amazing Grace.
Parents and family members suffer
Every single day
The loss of their children,
Our service men and women,
More keenly, 
And forever.
Today, I honor them, as well.

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