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Mushroom Montoya circumnavigated the globe aboard the USS Trippe DE1075 after killing soldiers, woman and children in Viet Nam. Now, as a shaman, he heals the planet one person at a time. Mushroom Montoya has an active shamanic healing practice in Long Beach, California and he teaches at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Cal State Univ. Long Beach.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Beating Missing Ship's Movement

July 1972 on the USS Truxtun, DLGN 35. The Officer on Deck received a phone call the morning the ship was scheduled to leave. “Good Morning, Sir,” The woman said, “I am B…’s wife. He won’t be coming to the ship this morning.”
“We are sailing to Hawaii in an hour. He can’t miss ship’s movement,” the officer said. “Please put him on the phone.”
“He can’t come to the phone. Last night I got him so drunk that he passed out. I did it on purpose. You took him to Viet Nam for months. I know you are only going to be gone for two weeks. You can have him back then.”
“Missing ship’s movement is a serious offense,” the officer said.
“I don’t care. And don’t try to find us. I talked him into bringing me to a hotel. You’re not going to find us.” She hung up.
The ship left without my shipmate. When the ship returned, my shipmate was taken to the XO. My shipmate was expecting a severe punishment. To his surprise the XO said, “You’d better get your wife under control.” No punishment. He made out like a bandit.

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