Author's Bio.

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Mushroom Montoya circumnavigated the globe aboard the USS Trippe DE1075 after killing soldiers, woman and children in Viet Nam. Now, as a shaman, he heals the planet one person at a time. Mushroom Montoya has an active shamanic healing practice in Long Beach, California and he teaches at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Cal State Univ. Long Beach.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Recurring Happiness

Happiness is temporary
And it can be recurring.
When my fellow shipmates and I
Circumnavigated the globe,
We saw boys and girls,
Barefoot, and boney,
Wearing unwashed,
And shorts,
In Olongapo,
And Moputo.
Their faces beamed joy
When we invited them to play
With a Frisbee
Or to toss a ball.
Their condition,
Raggedy as it was,
Didn’t diminish
The glee,
That made them free
Of poverty
For that short time.
Their laughing squeals,
And their radiating faces
Have followed me
All the way to this moment
Bringing me
A recurring happiness.

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